Laminated Bookmarks
Each bookmark is laminated and final dimensions are 7 ½ x 2 ¼ inch. Front side has printed one of the bookmark illustrations and the back side blank, so you can still decorate or sign it for someone as a gift.
Color of the tassel varies.
It is always better to read more, not less…
Each bookmark is laminated and final dimensions are 7 ½ x 2 ¼ inch. Front side has printed one of the bookmark illustrations and the back side blank, so you can still decorate or sign it for someone as a gift.
Color of the tassel varies.
It is always better to read more, not less…
Each bookmark is laminated and final dimensions are 7 ½ x 2 ¼ inch. Front side has printed one of the bookmark illustrations and the back side blank, so you can still decorate or sign it for someone as a gift.
Color of the tassel varies.
It is always better to read more, not less…